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Carolina Grey Squirrel Decorative Pillow

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  • NCU631 CAROLINA GREY SQUIRREL. Handmade needlepoint pillow made from 100% wool with a cotton velvet zippered back. Removable insert. Licensed by The National Audubon Society. This species, which has been many years known, and frequently described,has been always considered by authors as identical with the Gray Squirrel of the Northern States. There are, however, so many marked differences in size, colour and habit, that any student of nature can easily perceive the distinction between these two allied species. This species differs as much in its habits from the Northern Gray Squirrel as it does in form and colour. From an intimate acquaintance with the habits of the latter, we are particularly impressed with the peculiarities of the present species. Its bark has not the depth of tone of that of the Northern species,and is more shrill and querulous. Instead of mounting high on the tree when alarmed, which the latter always does, the Sc. Carolinensis generally plays round the trunk, and on the side opposite to the observer, at a height of some twenty or thirty feet, often concealing itself beneath the Spanish moss which hangs about the tree. When a person who has alarmed one of these Squirrels remains quiet for a few moments, it descends a few feet and seats itself on the first convenient branch, in order the better to observe his movements.
  • When you buy a Michaelian Home accent piece, whether it be a rug, pillow, or travel bag, you�re standing by tradition, and investing in quality and style.
  • All pillows come with a poly insert. You can upgrade to Down Stuffer as a luxurious alternative.

NCU-631 'Carolina Grey Squirrel' 18'' x 18'' Petit Point Pillow
Colors: Natural

Keywords:throw pillows, pillow cases, handcrafted pillow, Rustic

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